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Artist Spotlight

#worldofart is a social media initiative that I started in 2020 to spotlight many artists who had become isolated. Now more than ever, I believe that artistic unity and appreciation can help us to come together and "make the world a better place". 

Because "what else can we give if love is just the cost?"

-Song for the World



Artists of ALL kinds are welcome to enter! You do NOT have to be a musician. All that I ask for:

  1. a nice photo or headshot of yourself

  2. a short bio (100 words or less)

  3. 7 "items"

    1. 7 photos/pdf pages (for poets/authors) of your work OR

    2. No more than 3 videos and 4 photos

      1. Items chosen do not have to be from all of the same work. You can submit multiple works. Videos just take up too much space on social media :​)

  4. Description of your work (100 words or less for each submitted work)

  5. A short description of your dreams, goals, or desires for the future as an artist! (100 words or less)

  6. Usernames for any social media or YouTube accounts that you would like me to tag for people to follow!

Email all of your materials to me at for a chance at an artist spotlight and free recognition/networking!

*DISCLAIMER: These will be posted on Instagram and Facebook on Fridays. If you are uncomfortable for any reason with posting your spotlight on any social media or on this website, don't hesitate to email me. You may also email me for any other privacy reasons (or if you would like to remain anonymous).

Artist Spotlights *to be updated with past participants*

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